Ha! I am writing Saturday Stuff on Sunday Morning. That is the kind of week it has been!


I blabbed on and on earlier in the week about going to the James Beard Awards in New York. But here are few pictures from the event. The best part turned out to be hanging out with sweet Gina and Heather – we basically just drank wine and laughed too loudly the whole time. Loved it.

James Beard Awards

While we were gone, my parents (whom are saints) watched the girls. And this was no average couple of days. Before we even left I knew it would be crazy since Coco was booked for a print ad for Fed Ex. (I will let you know when it is released so you can look for her and her “pretend mom.”) You guys, being a stage mom is involved! I know I have told you before, but seriously! And for whatever reason, every time Coco gets booked for something big, I am out of town, and my dad takes charge (how cute is that?) So while Coco’s job went well, there was another problem.


Pia accidentally got out of a moving car (it’s a little foggy why) and had half of her foot run over by grandpas car- the most responsible, wonderful, over protective of his granddaughters grandpa. We all feel worse for him than for Pia because he is so upset.


OMG. She is soooo lucky it is not broken, but it’s a bit, um, pulverized I’d say. Very bruised and so sore, and definitely on crutches. It’s not too swollen anymore, but really black and blue. Any suggestions on how to get it better fast? (She already missed a fencing tournament this weekend) I am doing arnica cream and going to give her an Epsom salt soak today. We also forced her to do some light excercises with it yesterday to get the blood flowing on her coaches recommendation (but that really hurt). Any other suggestions would be very much appreciated!


Then, you guys, Madison my niece (who spends so much time with us she is like the girls big sister) was driving Coco home from an audition on Friday evening and she was T-boned. Her poor mini-cooper got totally smashed in on the passenger side. The CRAZY thing is, Coco always sits on the passenger side in the back in her booster seat. Always. And for some reason Madison said she had moved the booster seat to the driver’s side. So Coco, who otherwise could have been really hurt was fine save for a bruised hip where the seatbelt dug in. And Madison is just sore- no major injuries. Gaurdian Angel time, right? But as my parents said, it has been a rough week for their granddaughters with cars. I think we will just walk places for the rest of the weekend.


So, I will get to explain soon about a new project that I am part of with Pete. It is beyond exciting and I hope you will be in love with as I am. For our new adventure, we got a big office space. I feel like I should show it to you in a before and after capacity??? Is that interesting? In the last few weeks it has been cleaned, painted and then Saturday I spent 8 hours working on that Origami project I mentioned a few weeks ago. I think by the end of the week I will have made much more progress, so I will be sure to share it with you when it’s done. But in the mean time, my pointer finger and thumb are building up some mean calluses!


At least after such a crazy week, we were invited to a really fun dinner party on Saturday night. And I LOVE this concept- everyone brought stuff. We brought Appetizers (I made the best Tuna Tartar- I will share the recipe) and Pete made these crazy meat and cheese platters. Another couple brought Saffron Risotto and Osso Bucco (they also brought me dairy free saffron rice- so nice!). The coule who hosted did a big Italian Orange and Fennel Salad and a gorgeous mushroom dish and the last couple who said they “don’t cook, they buy” brought the most amazing selection of gelatos (and sorbet for me!) Oh, also, WINE. Lots of it. It was so much fun, I laughed until my face hurt- the best kind of night!

Asian Tuna Tartar

And tonight, after a nice long day of rest (I hope) we are having friends to dinner here! I have not yet figured out what I am making, but if you follow along in insta-stories later, I will be sure to document it!


Ok. Was that enough crazy babbling for the weeks wrap-up!? I told you, there was a lot of ground to cover. Something nuts was in the air.



Ha! I am writing Saturday Stuff on Sunday Morning. That is the kind of week it has been!


I blabbed on and on earlier in the week about going to the James Beard Awards in New York. But here are few pictures from the event. The best part turned out to be hanging out with sweet Gina and Heather – we basically just drank wine and laughed too loudly the whole time. Loved it.

James Beard Awards

While we were gone, my parents (whom are saints) watched the girls. And this was no average couple of days. Before we even left I knew it would be crazy since Coco was booked for a print ad for Fed Ex. (I will let you know when it is released so you can look for her and her “pretend mom.”) You guys, being a stage mom is involved! I know I have told you before, but seriously! And for whatever reason, every time Coco gets booked for something big, I am out of town, and my dad takes charge (how cute is that?) So while Coco’s job went well, there was another problem.


Pia accidentally got out of a moving car (it’s a little foggy why) and had half of her foot run over by grandpas car- the most responsible, wonderful, over protective of his granddaughters grandpa. We all feel worse for him than for Pia because he is so upset.


OMG. She is soooo lucky it is not broken, but it’s a bit, um, pulverized I’d say. Very bruised and so sore, and definitely on crutches. It’s not too swollen anymore, but really black and blue. Any suggestions on how to get it better fast? (She already missed a fencing tournament this weekend) I am doing arnica cream and going to give her an Epsom salt soak today. We also forced her to do some light excercises with it yesterday to get the blood flowing on her coaches recommendation (but that really hurt). Any other suggestions would be very much appreciated!


Then, you guys, Madison my niece (who spends so much time with us she is like the girls big sister) was driving Coco home from an audition on Friday evening and she was T-boned. Her poor mini-cooper got totally smashed in on the passenger side. The CRAZY thing is, Coco always sits on the passenger side in the back in her booster seat. Always. And for some reason Madison said she had moved the booster seat to the driver’s side. So Coco, who otherwise could have been really hurt was fine save for a bruised hip where the seatbelt dug in. And Madison is just sore- no major injuries. Gaurdian Angel time, right? But as my parents said, it has been a rough week for their granddaughters with cars. I think we will just walk places for the rest of the weekend.


So, I will get to explain soon about a new project that I am part of with Pete. It is beyond exciting and I hope you will be in love with as I am. For our new adventure, we got a big office space. I feel like I should show it to you in a before and after capacity??? Is that interesting? In the last few weeks it has been cleaned, painted and then Saturday I spent 8 hours working on that Origami project I mentioned a few weeks ago. I think by the end of the week I will have made much more progress, so I will be sure to share it with you when it’s done. But in the mean time, my pointer finger and thumb are building up some mean calluses!


At least after such a crazy week, we were invited to a really fun dinner party on Saturday night. And I LOVE this concept- everyone brought stuff. We brought Appetizers (I made the best Tuna Tartar- I will share the recipe) and Pete made these crazy meat and cheese platters. Another couple brought Saffron Risotto and Osso Bucco (they also brought me dairy free saffron rice- so nice!). The coule who hosted did a big Italian Orange and Fennel Salad and a gorgeous mushroom dish and the last couple who said they “don’t cook, they buy” brought the most amazing selection of gelatos (and sorbet for me!) Oh, also, WINE. Lots of it. It was so much fun, I laughed until my face hurt- the best kind of night!

Asian Tuna Tartar

And tonight, after a nice long day of rest (I hope) we are having friends to dinner here! I have not yet figured out what I am making, but if you follow along in insta-stories later, I will be sure to document it!


Ok. Was that enough crazy babbling for the weeks wrap-up!? I told you, there was a lot of ground to cover. Something nuts was in the air.