I have finally moved out of the dark ages, and have added photography to the blog section of my site. I realized that I don’t even buy cookbooks without great pictures, so why would I want to read a blog without them? I wouldn’t! So I have officially gotten with the program, purchased a camera and been practicing. (Please be patient while I learn!).
This will also let me share snippets with you from everyday entertaining, hopefully giving you ideas for your own parties, flowers and tablescapes.
I am closing with my baby Coco- by far the best eater in the family…
now this is real life and you are right about the eating, what a sketch, lip smacking good!
Im a new subscriber having just found your blog yesterday while flipping through my Flipboard citations coming across your recent Carnitas post. So much so I had to track down the blog source of the post.
I’m greatly in awe of your photography skills and completely mesmerized by your current photo food pics. Your pictures make me wish we had Tastevision! At best your photography is inspirational! So I searched through your site to see if you had a post on your photography. This only one I found.
The surface you take your current pictures on is most interesting to the eye with your plating photography. Is that a natural surface or one used for taking pictures. I’m interested to know. Can you say what kind of Camera you use if you can? Thanks.
Thank you so much! I love that you found this post, which is from 6 years ago when I first started using a camera and the pictures are terrible! I am self taught and have no idea what I am doing! I just make it up as I go along and have found that I am improving each year (at least I hope so!) I shoot with seasoned aluminum pans and a 7D Camera. Thanks for writing, I hope you continue to visit!
Thank you for the response and greatly appreciated. Seasoned Aluminium Pans, hmm I’d have never guessed that even thinking outside the box. Seemed so much like a canvas from the photos. I guess only way to get a pan like that is to cook on it allot over time to maybe even resemble something similar. Quite ingenious I think. However think it’s your great photographic skills why it’s even hard to tell the surface.
This is all new to me. I don’t have much free kitchen surface space, so when taking a pic I just put the dish on my large kitchen board and click away. Best I have at this point. However I do love the consistency of that seasoned Aluminium pan look. It sure drives my curiosity though. Thanks again for the response. Ordered 2 of your books from Amazon yesterday the new Delicious one and the Generous Table one.