Raspberry Ice Cream


It is so freaking Hot here it is unbelievable! We went from 60 and raining to 85 with bright, blue skies! It is great, but for those of us who are Northwest natives, this is a real shock to the system. Like, I am really hot!! I am doing a double post today in hopes that some of you might want to beat the heat today or tomorrow with this gorgeous, creamy ice cream!

This is a great way to use up berries and to delight my daughter (or anyone young at heart!) with a pretty pink ice cream! I recommend serving it with berries, hot fudge sauce, or even on top of a dark chocolate cake. You could also fold dark chocolate chunks into the custard before freezing it.


Raspberry Ice Cream
3 cups raspberries
1 Tbs sugar

4 yolks
1 whole egg
1 cup sugar
2 cups cream
2 cups milk
1 tsp vanilla extract

Place the raspberries in a food processor and sprinkle with 1 Tbs sugar. Puree on high until as smooth as possible. Let sit while you prepare the custard base.



In a standing mixer, add the eggs and the 1 cup of sugar and beat on medium until the mixture is pale and fluffy.



Meanwhile, combine the cream, milk and vanilla in a medium saucepan. Heat the pan over low heat until the mixture just boils. Then turn off the heat and set the pan on a cool surface.


Temper the eggs and sugar by turning the mixer on medium and adding a few spoonfuls of the hot cream at a time. When you have slowly added about ½ the hot cream slowly, go ahead and add the rest. Whisk on medium until everything is well combined.



Pour the custard base into a large pot.

Pulse the raspberries a second time, just for about 15 seconds. Put the raspberries through a fine meshed strainer. (This will take some patience). In the end, the raspberry juice will be very smooth and there will be about ½ cup of seeds left behind.




Whisk the juice into the cream until it is completely combined.




Heat the custard over medium-low for about 8-10 minutes or until the raspberry custard coats the back of a spoon (if you can swipe a line across the spoon, and it stays in place).


Remove the custard from the heat and let it cool for about 30 minutes on the counter. When the custard is no longer steaming, place it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or until completely chilled.


Freeze the raspberry custard in an ice cream machine according to directions.
Serve in a cone or cup, either on its own, or with fresh berries or hot fudge sauce, (recipe under: peanut butter ice cream sundae, June 2010.)




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Raspberry Ice Cream


It is so freaking Hot here it is unbelievable! We went from 60 and raining to 85 with bright, blue skies! It is great, but for those of us who are Northwest natives, this is a real shock to the system. Like, I am really hot!! I am doing a double post today in hopes that some of you might want to beat the heat today or tomorrow with this gorgeous, creamy ice cream!

This is a great way to use up berries and to delight my daughter (or anyone young at heart!) with a pretty pink ice cream! I recommend serving it with berries, hot fudge sauce, or even on top of a dark chocolate cake. You could also fold dark chocolate chunks into the custard before freezing it.


Raspberry Ice Cream
3 cups raspberries
1 Tbs sugar

4 yolks
1 whole egg
1 cup sugar
2 cups cream
2 cups milk
1 tsp vanilla extract

Place the raspberries in a food processor and sprinkle with 1 Tbs sugar. Puree on high until as smooth as possible. Let sit while you prepare the custard base.



In a standing mixer, add the eggs and the 1 cup of sugar and beat on medium until the mixture is pale and fluffy.



Meanwhile, combine the cream, milk and vanilla in a medium saucepan. Heat the pan over low heat until the mixture just boils. Then turn off the heat and set the pan on a cool surface.


Temper the eggs and sugar by turning the mixer on medium and adding a few spoonfuls of the hot cream at a time. When you have slowly added about ½ the hot cream slowly, go ahead and add the rest. Whisk on medium until everything is well combined.



Pour the custard base into a large pot.

Pulse the raspberries a second time, just for about 15 seconds. Put the raspberries through a fine meshed strainer. (This will take some patience). In the end, the raspberry juice will be very smooth and there will be about ½ cup of seeds left behind.




Whisk the juice into the cream until it is completely combined.




Heat the custard over medium-low for about 8-10 minutes or until the raspberry custard coats the back of a spoon (if you can swipe a line across the spoon, and it stays in place).


Remove the custard from the heat and let it cool for about 30 minutes on the counter. When the custard is no longer steaming, place it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or until completely chilled.


Freeze the raspberry custard in an ice cream machine according to directions.
Serve in a cone or cup, either on its own, or with fresh berries or hot fudge sauce, (recipe under: peanut butter ice cream sundae, June 2010.)


